Social Media Policy

Maintaining Healthy Bodies at Every Size! Eating Disorders, Compulsive and Emotional Overeating Related to Anxiety, Depression and Stress Responses, Rigid and Restrictive Eating, Self-Acceptance and Body Positivity HAES Informed Therapy in Greensboro, North Carolina!

Social media is used to deliver services in this practice and my office policies on social media are outlined below. Social media includes online communications to seek and share information, provide professional services, and send and receive information. Examples include emails, texting, blogging, Facebook, and Twitter. Please note that social media may not protect your privacy and is considered public communication. The use of it to provide services is only done with your approval.

Search Engines

Search engines are not used to seek information about you. A rare exception would be during a crisis when I have reason to suspect that you may be in danger to yourself or others and I have exhausted other resources. Should this ever occur, I will document it in your clinical record and discuss it with you at your next session. If you should use search engines to seek information about me, I recommend that you discuss any concerns that you may have about me at our very next session.


I do not respond to mobile phone text messages (SMS) and please do not send them to me. This type of communication can compromise confidentiality. Any text message I receive is documented in your clinical record.


I do not communicate via email regarding content related to therapy sessions because such communication may not be secure nor confidential. Nor should you use emails for emergencies and crisis because I have limited business hours in which I check my emails. Emails received from you and sent to you become a part of your clinical record.


Friends or contact requests from current or former clients on social networking sites may compromise confidentiality and our therapeutic relationship and are not accepted. There will be no friending via social networking sites such as Facebook and LinkedIn. If there is content you wish to share with me from your social media site, bring it to a psychotherapy session for discussion.


I do not follow current patients or former patients on twitter nor blogs. Doing so may negatively influence our therapeutic relationship. I may sometimes publish a blog on my professional Website and offer information about my practice. I have no expectation for you or any client to follow me on Twitter or read my blogs. If there is content you wish to share with me from your online site, you may bring it to our next session for discussion.

Location-Based Services

There are privacy concerns related to location- based services on a mobile phone. If you have GPS tracking or a location-based device on your mobile phone, it may compromise your privacy and provide a clue that you are a therapy patient due to your regular check-ins.

Separate Accounts

I have professional social media accounts which are used solely for professional matters regarding my practice. I will not reveal any information about you on my professional accounts nor will I have an online relationship with you on my professional sites. You are not expected to respond or comment on anything that I post. I will not respond to any comment you may have online as this may compromise confidentiality. If you have a concern about anything I post, please make me aware of it during our next session so that it can be discussed. I have a personal account which is separate from my professional account and is used for non-professional activities. No information about you will be posted on my personal nor professional account. I do not communicate with clients on my professional or personal accounts.

If you have any questions about my social media policy, please let me know. Should there be any changes to this policy, I will inform you.

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